5 Most Searched World Map Projection Types - According to Google

A world map projection is transferring the characteristics of the Earth onto a flat map using a grid of longitude and latitude lines.

It may surprise you to learn that there is no completely right way to depict the world as a flat image.

Map projection types are important because they determine how maps look. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Since the dawn of global mapping, this transference has been open to interpretation and choice.

In this blog post we  show you 5 most searched world map projection types in Google

1) Mercator Map Projection Type

 mercator map projection type

Gerardus Mercator, a Flemish geographer and cartographer, first proposed the Mercator projection in 1569. Because it is unusual in depicting north as up and south as down everywhere while keeping local directions and features, it became the standard map projection for navigation.


* Explore The World

There were already maps that showed the whole extent of the world before Mercator's projection. 

However, it was the first to give humans with the ability to explore and navigate the seas. This projection is mostly useful for tracing routes with a constant trajectory along a straight line.

Mercator not only created a projection but also produced a geometric formula that rectified the distortion on its map.

By easing navigation, these computations enabled seamen to convert projection measurements into degrees of latitude. Mercator's projection, like any flat portrayal of the Earth, exhibits distortion.

The only accurate depiction of the Earth's surface is the globe. Despite this, the fact that they are so little renders them unsuitable for navigation.

As a result, the Mercator projection is still preferred.

* This projection's calculations are simpler than those of other projections.

The mathematics behind the Mercator projection are far simpler than those used in other projections today. As a result, internet mapping systems favor it. 

The Mercator projection is used in Google Maps, Bing Maps, and OpenStreetMaps apps.

* Maintain the Scale

Mercator's projection is proportionate. This indicates that an east-west distortion is produced to compensate for the north-south distortion (from pole to pole).

Because the distortion exists only in one direction, other projections might make a square building appear rectangle.

Mercator's distortion, on the other hand, does not make objects look more elongated or flattened, but just larger, due to its proportionality.

This is another reason why cartographic online services utilize this projection rather than others.

* Angles are accurately depicted.

The Mercator projection has the feature of displaying the angles exactly as they are. If there is a 90-degree angle in the actual plane, the projection will display an angle with the same amplitude.

This is just another reason why Google Maps and other comparable programs prefer Mercator projections over others.


* Surface distortion of the Earth

The image of the Earth's surface becomes distorted as Mercator's projection advances away from the equator. Because of this distortion, the forms observed near the poles appear larger than they are.

According to Mercator's projection, Greenland is the size of Africa, Alaska is the size of Brazil, and Antarctica is a limitless stretch of ice.

In actuality, Greenland is the size of Mexico, Alaska is one-fifth the size of Brazil, and Antarctica is somewhat larger than Canada. 

As a result, business charts for educational reasons frequently do not use Mercator projection in order to avoid causing complications in the student learning process. They are, nevertheless, still employed in the portrayal of locations close to Ecuador.

* The polar regions are not shown.

Because the Mercator projection is built on a cylinder, it is difficult to show the planet's polar zones. As a result, the poles are excluded from this sort of cartographic projection.

2) Gall Peter Map Projection Type

 gall peter map projection type

The Gall–Peters projection is a rectangular map projection with equal area. It distorts most forms, as do all equal-area projections. It is a cylindrical equal-area projection with latitudes 45° north and south as the distortion-free sections on the map. 

The project is dedicated to James Gall and Arno Peters. Gall discussed the projection at a scientific congress in 1855 and published a paper on it in 1885. Beginning in the early 1970s, Peters popularized the projection with his "Peters World Map." Arthur H. Robinson used the term "Gall–Peters projection" in a brochure published by the American Cartographic Association in 1986.

UNESCO promotes projection-based maps, which are also commonly used in British schools. [3] The United States state of Massachusetts and Boston Public Schools began phasing in these maps in March 2017, becoming the first public school district and state in the United States to do so. [4] 

The Gall–Peters projection rose to prominence in the late twentieth century as the focal point of a debate about the political consequences of map creation.

The Advantages And Disadvantages


The Gall-Peters projection's features may be described as largely good. In comparison to the Mercator projection, the Peters depiction provides a distinct and more accurate view of the globe.

Indeed, one of Gall-Peters' justifications for popularizing his projection was that the Mercator map favored North America and Europe more. This leaves developing countries in South America and Africa in the background. 

When questioning the popularity of Mercator mapping, the misunderstanding of the size of the areas nearest to the poles is a common criticism. 

As a result, it provides as a strong case in favor of using Gall-Peters' findings. This is the fundamental distinction between the two models.


Gall-Peters' projection pinpoints the exact location of every country on the planet. Its area is also scaled to the actual, making it suitable for comparing one country to another.

The right placement of axes and regions guides the generation of coordinates in both maps, although the geographic precision favors Peters' effort.

Gall-Peters' map avoids assigning territorial preference to a certain location. As countries conform to their real sizes, the Mercator version suffers from Eurocentrism.


The map's outline It is unappealing to the eyes, especially when compared to the Mercator model. The north of the American continent and Europe are seen relatively flat. 

Although it is regarded as one of the most accurate models of the Earth, the Gall-Peters model has yet to gain traction in popular culture, and its use might cause confusion among the general public.

 3) Robinson Map Projection Type robinson map projection type

Arthur H. Robinson developed the Robinson projection in response to a request from the Rand McNally business, which has used it in general-purpose globe maps since that time. Robinson published details of the projection's construction in 1974. The National Geographic Society (NGS) began using the Robinson projection for general-purpose world maps in 1988, replacing the Van der Grinten projection.

The Robinson projection is neither equal-area nor conformal, opting for a middle ground. The developer believed that doing so offered a better overall picture than adhering to either. The meridians bend slightly to avoid extremes, but this causes the poles to be stretched into long lines rather than remaining as points. 

As a result, distortion is severe at the poles but soon decreases to mild levels as one moves away from them. Straight parallels suggest significant angular distortion at high latitudes near the map's outer borders — a flaw inherent in every pseudocylindrical projection. However, at the time of its creation, the projection successfully accomplished Rand McNally's aim of producing pleasing images of the whole world. 


The Robinson approach resulted in a better balance of size and form for the high latitude zones. Russia and Canada appear true to size, but Greenland is distorted.

The directions are most consistent along all parallels and along the central meridian. The distances are constant along the Equator, the planet's center. Furthermore, considerable harmony is established, allowing for a pretty appealing flat view.

Because of this, and because it creates tremendous harmony, Randy McNally made Robinson's Projection its standard for a long period. For over a decade, the National Geographic Society employed Robinson's approach to create maps.


The main issue is that transforming a spherical reality to a flat sphere involves deforming the masses closest to the ends. 

In the Robinson Greenland projection, for example, it seems to be the size of South America. This area, however, is somewhat larger than Mexico. Only Brazil has a greater land area than the massive frozen Danish island. 

This approach produces a pseudocylinderic map that is neither consistent nor equidistant. Extend the poles in extended lines rather than points, since all meridians are acquired at the same location in each pole. Finally, both poles are completely distorted. 

Perhaps for this reason, another projection called the Winkel-Tripel superseded Robinson's as the new standard for global map development in 1998. 

4) Winkel-Tripel Map Projeciton Type

 whinkel tripel map projection type

Oswald Winkel invented the Winkel Tripel projection in 1921. (1873 - 1953). Tripel, contrary to popular opinion, is a German word that refers to a combination of three parts. Winkel chose the term Tripel because he had created a compromise projection that does not remove area, direction, or distance distortions, but rather attempts to reduce the total of all three.

Before 1998, the Winkel Tripel projection was not thought to be very noteworthy. However, in 1998, the National Geographic Society announced that the Winkel Tripel will be its standard projection for global maps. Interest in the Winkel Tripel projection has increased in recent years as a result of this announcement. 


When compared to other projections, the Winkel tripel performs well, providing modest distance errors, small combinations of Tissot indicatrix ellipticity and area errors, and the least skewness of all of the projections.


The latitude lines of Winkel Tripel are slightly bent and non-parallel.

The Winkel Tripel projection is not equidistant; there is no point or locations from which precise distances may be presented [...] The Winkel Tripel projection is not azimuthal; there is no point or points from which precise directions may be presented. 

5) Authagraph Map Projection Type

 Authagraph map projection type

Authagraph is a kind of equal-area globe map projection designed in 1999 by Japanese architect Hajime Narukawa. While essentially an equal-area projection, it would require more subdivision to be considered a real equal-area map.

The map maintains the proportions of all continents and seas while reducing distortions in their forms. This map has no seams and may be tiled in any direction. The map projection attempts to provide an endless view of the globe.


Tessellates while preserving size and form (center point can be arbitrarily chosen)

enables for about 16:9 rectangular maps

allows for various map shapes (triangular, parallelogram)

On the tiled map, recurrent trajectories (such as satellite orbits) can be mapped to a straight line. 


Unusal projection, does not conserve location accurately because not strictly equal-area lines of constant bearing are not transferred to straight lines or ellipses


Maps may be used for a variety of reasons, including assessing weather patterns and comprehending geography. Different projections might assist map designers in evaluating what they want the reader to know while viewing their map.

These 5 Most Searched Map Projection types best for:

1) Mercator :

This type is used for maps of Earth's surface. It distorts distances and sizes to fit the globe onto a flat plane. This is the oldest and simplest form of projection. It's used mostly for navigation purposes. Used most effectively around the Equator and for marine navigation. 

2) Gall Peter:

This type preserves straight lines while distorting angles. It more realistically depicts the size of countries. Best used to demonstrate equal area. 

3) Robinson:

This type uses equal areas on both sides of parallels and meridians. It's used for cartography. Used most effectively around the Equator.

4) Whinkel Tripel:

This type of projection keeps the shape of the earth intact, but distorts the size of land masses. Since 1998, the National Geographic Society has used it for general world maps. Used most effectively for world maps and general purpose maps.

5) Authagraph:

This type might be the most accurate map projection ever created. The AuthaGraph may appear to be very distinct from other map projections, and it is. This is a novel mapping approach that can convert a spherical surface to a rectangle surface while maintaining proportions right. Best for preserving the proportionate sizes of continents, seas, and even Antarctica.


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